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Well, the word is getting out for sure. Thanks to people like you and our friends in the local media, Sy’s story has reached out across the U.S. and has even crossed international borders!

If you just put in a search for “Silas Harger” in Google, here’s an example of just a few places where  you’ll find his story:

Florida (Orlando, West Palm Beach, Tampa, and more)
New Jersey
and….Romania! (There’s more, but we just can’t read some of the languages they’re written in!)

We’ve also found him on numerous other blogs, medical websites, manufacturers of allergy products,  and more…

So, the more the world gets to know Sy, we help so many others by raising awareness of this disease and it’s effects on those who have it, those who love them, and those who work on finding a cure. If you happen to have just a few minutes, send his story to the best place you can think of. We’ve had people contact local social organizations, television shows, clubs, major news publications, churches, and other media outlets. I even had someone suggest contacting Food Network! It was a good laugh at first, but then, the more I thought about it, I would have to say that they’ve probably never had a show that would cater to a no food diet! I guess Sy could just smell all of Rachel Ray’s dishes? How many ways can you prepare ice?

Anyway, give it your best shot. Send it to anyone. Send it anywhere. Let’s give “Flat Stanley” a run for his money…