Gersday Thursday: Not Every Day Is Great

As you probably know, we work hard to remain positive and upbeat about the road we are traveling on. We would love to say that every day on Gerson Therapy is a great day that goes smoothly, but today is not one of those days. We are behind and our to do list for today was thrown out a long time ago (maybe burned and stomped on, too). We are tired and emotionally worn out today.

As we continue to follow God’s leading in caring for our family and others, we stand at a point where a big life decision must be made and everything could radically change. In some ways, it’s easy because we’ve done all we can do. If something is going to happen, it’s up to the Big Man upstairs to do it. If it happens, we move forward. If it doesn’t happen, we have to go back and rethink just about everything (plus some new things that have emerged).

Our last post was about prayer for our friends. Could you spare a little for us as well?

We’ll keep ya posted. If you’re having a great day, well whoopty doo for you.


Today’s No Muck Motto:
Regardless of what happens, I will remain faithful.

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