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We’ve had several people asking about what our next steps are going to look like for Sy so here it is in a nutshell…

After coming to the end of the road with traditional medical treatment, we were guided to a particular treatment plan that couldn’t be more perfect for someone who can’t eat…a therapy of food!!! I know this sounds crazy, but after more hours of research than we’d like to admit and comparing it to what I already know from my medical training, it made total sense. Sy has been on a no or very few food diet for the majority of two years. We have watched Sy develop signs that show his body is taking a toll (skin color, appetite, severe constipation, etc.). In passing, one would think that Sy’s health is good (and it is compared to severely ill kids), but as a parent, you can tell when things just aren’t right. Everyone knows that the body needs good, pure nutrition, and not the kind that comes out of a lab. Also with the amount of sugar Sy gets from his current artificial nutrition, there is the very real risk of developing type 1 diabetes in the near future. The bottom line is that Sy’s body has an autoimmune & GI issue that we have only put on somewhat of a pause for right now. There are more things we could do to just “cover up” the disease, but we want real, lasting health. Sy’s body has the systems in place to fight this disorder, but the cells of these systems need the right input to have the maximum healing output. Make sense?

The Gerson Therapy we are about to embark upon is anything but simple. Unfortunately, there’s no shortcut and you either do it 100% or you don’t. There are major costs of time and money, but this family will sell everything for the health of one of our loved ones. The folks from the Gerson Institute informed us that the amount of time it will take to prep, administer, and clean up each day will run about 8 hours!!! However, we have heard first-hand stories from people who have been amazingly healed from destructive diseases (like stage 4 cancers), but it does come at a great sacrfice. We will walk with him through this!

Below is an example of a condensed and simplified daily schedule for someone on this therapy. Sy’s will be modified due to: his age, introducing very specific, organic food to his GI system, and to the systems that need repair. So here is what our new life will look like:

7:00 Wake up
7:15 Enema prep & administration
7:45 Special breakfast prep & juicing; prep and making of gruel*
8:00 Eat breakfast & supplements
8:30 Wash all produce for day (huge amount!), make enema concentrate, make special soup
9:00 More juicing, gruel, & supplements
9:30 More juicing, gruel, & supplements
10:00 More juicing, gruel, & supplements
11:00 More juicing, gruel, & supplements
11:15 Enema prep & administration
12:00 Special lunch prep, more juicing, gruel, & supplements
1:00 Eat special soup
2:00 More juicing, gruel, & supplements
3:00 More juicing, gruel, & supplements
4:00 Enema prep, administration, gruel, & more juicing
5:00 More juicing gruel, & supplements
6:00 Prep special dinner, more juicing, gruel, & supplements
7:00 Eat dinner, more juicing, gruel, & supplements
8:00 Enema prep & administration

*Gruel is made by slow cooking organic oats and then straining the them. The gruel is the white liquid that is left over. Sy will have to drink that every hour.

So this will be on top of my work/school/clinical schedule and Heather’s pregnant mom/feeding/homeschooling/cleaning/shopping/dealing with me schedule. No big deal…ha! We repeatedly heard from people that you will easily lose a few years as you dedicate yourself to this and there is no way you can do this without help.

It’s very easy to get overwhelmed by everything that is staring us in the face right now; however, we have been led through doors that have miraculously opened and brought us to where we are. We are confident that He will provide where we fall short. It’s a new journey and we are excited to for Sy’s healing and hope to be able to help others along the way.

To learn more about this therapy, check out these documentaries on youtube, Netflix or Hulu:

*Dying To Have Known
*The Gerson Miracle
*The Beautiful Truth
*Or “like” the Gerson Institute on Facebook.